Now if you leave in blank the title of a manga, it will use the title of the current page
You had to be very lazy to use this xd
Now if you edit a manga and don’t make any changes it will ask you if you want to refresh the manga url with the current page url
I (keys) was tired of copying the link and pasting it, cuz i had to close the extension to do it, maybe should add some hotkey for this or a button
Added batch loading, so it will open faster
Batch loading is the goat, first implementation was bullshit tho
Optimized scroll blur
Idk what Kosmo means with that but idc
Image reloads everytime you interact with something
We were trying to fix this since we implement the images, xdn’t
Long titles were truncated when you import from bookmarks
Prolly github copilot fault (XD)